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SUBTOTAL function

Returns a subtotal for a vertical range of cells using a specified aggregation function.

Sample Usage​



SUBTOTAL(function_code, range1, [range2, ...])

  • function_code - The function to use in subtotal aggregation.
    • 1 is AVERAGE
    • 2 is COUNT
    • 3 is COUNTA
    • 4 is MAX
    • 5 is MIN
    • 6 is PRODUCT
    • 7 is STDEV
    • 8 is STDEVP
    • 9 is SUM
    • 10 is VAR
    • 11 is VARP
    • Hidden values can be skipped for any of these codes by prepending 10 (to the single-digit codes) or 1 (to the 2-digit codes). e.g. 102 for COUNT while skipping hidden cells, and 110 for VAR while doing so.
  • range1 - The first range over which to calculate a subtotal.
  • range2, ... - Additional ranges over which to calculate subtotals.


  • Cells that are hidden due to autofilter criteria are never included in SUBTOTAL, irrespective of the function_code used.
  • Cells within any of the specified range arguments that contain SUBTOTAL calls are ignored to prevent double-counting.
  • SUBTOTAL can be used to created dynamic dashboards by having the function code argument refer to another cell. When combined with list-based data validation, this cell can become a drop-down list that instantly updates the entire dashboard.
  • SUBTOTAL can be used for quick analysis of different subsets of data by building a subtotal dashboard above a filtered region. Each time the filter criteria change, the dashboard will automatically update with new aggregations.
  • Using SUBTOTAL helps prevent double-counting associated with simple SUM formulas.

See Also​

VARP: Calculates the variance based on an entire population.

VAR: Calculates the variance based on a sample.

SUM: Returns the sum of a series of numbers and/or cells.

STDEVP: Calculates the standard deviation based on an entire population.

STDEV: The STDEV function calculates the standard deviation based on a sample.

PRODUCT: Returns the result of multiplying a series of numbers together.

MIN: Returns the minimum value in a numeric dataset.

MAX: Returns the maximum value in a numeric dataset.


Returns the number of values in a dataset.


Returns the number of numeric values in a dataset.

AVERAGE: The AVERAGE function returns the numerical average value in a dataset, ignoring text.
